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Verifying using temporal logic of action in Dafny

In previous blog we looked into why TLA+ specification enforces SI (stuttering insensitivity) and how verifying liveness assertion required us to add fairness condition in spec. In this blog we will model timer displaying minute in Dafny using temporal logic of action. And then we will prove that specifiction, with fairness condition included, implies that timer will eventually reach 0 (In previous blog we model checked this property).

First order of bussiness is encode state of our system, specify what it is correct initial state and how system moves from one state to another. We need to be mindful that our action satistifes stuttering insensitivity requirement of temporal logic of action. Formally step st is enabled in state s if there exists state e such that st(s, e) is true. There is easlier way to say so for DecreaseMin step that is min is greater than 0.

datatype State = State(min: int)

predicate Init(s: State){
  s.min == 5

predicate EnabledDecreaseMin(s: State){
  s.min > 0

predicate DecreaseMin(s: State, t: State){
  EnabledDecreaseMin(s) && s.min - 1 == t.min

predicate Stutter(s: State, t: State){
  s.min == t.min

predicate Next(s: State, t: State){
  DecreaseMin(s, t) || Stutter(s, t)

TLA+ avoids explicit mention of index of state in behavior. In Dafny we will be using infinite map imap to model behavior where value at key n is nth state. That is why we have additional requirement in spec that every natural number exists in map. Next we want DecreaseMin step to be weakly fair. I am using definition from Chapter 8 of Specifying Systems where it is defined to be []([](Enabled <A>_v) => <><A>_v). Step st is weakly fair if st is enabled forever then eventually st will happen. There are alternate ways to say step is weakly fair, equivalent to this definition. Some triggers are mentioned in code below which helps SMT solvers to use quantifiers in guided manner but can be ignored for this discussion.

function Increase(i: nat): nat {

ghost predicate WeakFairness(t: imap<nat, State>)
  requires forall i : nat :: i in t
   forall i: nat {:trigger EnabledDecreaseMin(t[i])} :: (
      (forall j: nat :: j >= i ==> EnabledDecreaseMin(t[j]))
      (exists k: nat :: k >= i && DecreaseMin(t[k], t[Increase(k)]))

function Identity(n: nat) : nat {

ghost predicate Spec(t: imap<nat, State>){
   (forall i : nat :: i in t)
 && Init(t[0])
 && (forall i : nat {:trigger Identity(i)}:: Next(t[i], t[i+1]))
 && WeakFairness(t)

We need two safety properties to prove liveness property. First is min is always greater than or equal to 0. And second is min is non increasing in behavior. I have omitted proof but it can be seen here.

lemma Safety(t: imap<nat, State>, k: nat)
  requires Spec(t)
  ensures t[k].min >= 0

lemma SafetyDecreasing(t: imap<nat, State>, m: nat, n: nat)
  requires Spec(t)
  requires m <= n
  ensures t[m].min >= t[n].min

To prove that timer will eventually reach 0 we start with initial state and try to convince Dafny that we can always find state m (I am using index of state as synonyms for that state) in which min is 0. There are two cases to consider a) when antecedent of weak fairness is true and b) when it is false. In second case antecedant being false means there exists state k at which min is less than or equal to 0 which together with safety condition proves that min is exactly 0. In first case applying antecedent to weakly fair property gives us state k at which next transition will decreases min. Note that it just says that min will decrease between state k and k+1. It is required that current state r has min value greater than or equal to min of state k to prove that min actually decreases during our search. This is done using safety property SafetyDecreasing. Since min is finite positive number applying this argument again and again we will reach state m where min is 0.

lemma ExistsHelperLemma(t: imap<nat, State>, m: nat)
  requires forall i : nat :: i in t
  requires !(forall j : nat :: j >= m ==> EnabledDecreaseMin(t[j]))
  ensures exists k : nat :: k >= m && !EnabledDecreaseMin(t[k])

lemma Eventually(t: imap<nat, State>)
  requires Spec(t)
  ensures exists m : nat :: t[m].min == 0
   var r : nat := 0;
   while t[r].min > 0
    invariant t[r].min >= 0
    decreases t[r].min
     if(forall j : nat :: j >= r ==> EnabledDecreaseMin(t[j])) {
        assert exists k: nat :: k >= r && DecreaseMin(t[k], t[Increase(k)]) by {
          assert r == Identity(r);
          assert EnabledDecreaseMin(t[r]);
            (forall j : nat :: j >= r ==> EnabledDecreaseMin(t[j])) ==>
            (exists k: nat :: k >= r && DecreaseMin(t[k], t[Increase(k)]));
        var k :| k >= r && DecreaseMin(t[k], t[Increase(k)]);
        assert Increase(k) == k + 1;
        SafetyDecreasing(t, r, k);
        assert t[r].min >= t[k].min;
        assert t[k+1].min == t[k].min - 1;
        assert t[r].min >= t[k].min > t[k+1].min;
        r := k + 1;
        if t[r].min == 0 { return; }
     else {
        assert !(forall j : nat :: j >= r ==> EnabledDecreaseMin(t[j]));
        ExistsHelperLemma(t, r);
        var k :| k >= r && !EnabledDecreaseMin(t[k]);
        assert t[k].min <= 0;
        Safety(t, k);

There is alternate way to think about this proof. When does timer will never reach state where min is 0 assuming safety part of spec (Init and Next) ? It is when timer stops working when min is displaying some number greater than 0 - behavior stutters infinitely afterwards. Does our spec include such behavior? In this behavior weakly fair condition allows us to find sequence of states in which min is decreasing to 0. But this is contradiction. Hence such behavior is not statisfied by our Spec.

This is rather silly example to show temporal logic argument - there is no two or more processes/servers competing for fair execution. But I hope this small example which is written in programming language like syntax shows how such argument works.