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Streams, Calculational Proofs and Dafny


Calculational proof where chain of equality is established to show first and last statement are equal is an elegant way to write proof. For example

  (a + b) ^ 2 
= (a + b) * (a + b) 
= a * (a + b) + b * (a + b)
= a ^ 2 + a * b + b * a + b ^ 2 
= a ^ 2 + a * b + a * b + b ^ 2 
= a ^ 2 + 2 * a * b + b ^ 2

Dafny has support for writing calculational proof using calc. Following proof shows that Append(Repeat(m, elm), Repeat(n, elm)) is equal to Repeat(m + n, elm).

datatype List<T> = Nil | Cons(head: T, tail: List<T>)

function Repeat<T>(n: nat, elm: T) : List <T>
   if n == 0 then Nil else Cons(elm, Repeat(n - 1, elm))

function Append<T>(s: List<T>, t: List<T>) : List<T> 
    if s == Nil then t else Cons(s.head, Append(s.tail, t))

lemma RepeatAppend<T>(m: nat, n: nat, elm: T)
   ensures Append(Repeat(m, elm), Repeat(n, elm)) == Repeat(m + n, elm)
    if m == 0 {
      calc {
        Append(Repeat(m, elm), Repeat(n, elm));
        Append(Repeat(0, elm), Repeat(n, elm));
        Append(Nil, Repeat(n, elm));
        Repeat(n, elm);
        Repeat(0 + n, elm);
        Repeat(m + n, elm);
    else {
      calc {
        Append(Repeat(m, elm), Repeat(n, elm));
        Append(Cons(elm, Repeat(m - 1, elm)), Repeat(n, elm));
        Cons(elm, Append(Repeat(m - 1, elm), Repeat(n, elm)));
        { RepeatAppend(m - 1, n, elm); }
        Cons(elm, Repeat(m - 1 + n, elm));
        Repeat(1 + m - 1 + n, elm);
        Repeat(m + n, elm);

Notice use of inductive hypothesis to show Append(Repeat(m - 1, elm), Repeat(n, elm)) = Repeat(m - 1 + n, elm). Otherwise rewrite between previous and current statement follows from definition.

Calculational reasoning about Stream

List is inductive datatype which means that induction as proof strategy is available when writing calculational proof. This is not case with stream which is coinductive datatype.

codatatype Stream = Cons(head: nat, tail: Stream)

Consider Nats() (natural numbers), it is trivial to check that Nats() is not equal to Add(Nats(), Repeat(1)) – just compare the head of both streams. However Nats() is equal to Alternate(Mul(Repeat(2), Nats()), Add(Mul(Repeat(2), Nats()), Repeat(1))) but it is not obvious how to establish it without induction.

function Upwards(n: nat): Stream {
   Cons(n, Upwards (n + 1))

function Nats() : Stream {

function Repeat(n: nat) : Stream {
    Cons(n, Repeat(n))

function Add(s: Stream, t: Stream) : Stream {
    Cons(s.head + t.head, Add(s.tail, t.tail))

function Mul(s: Stream, t: Stream): Stream {
    Cons(s.head * t.head, Mul(s.tail, t.tail))

function Alternate(s: Stream, t: Stream): Stream {
    Cons(s.head, Alternate(t, s.tail))

This paper endorses a proof strategy which is based on the fact that restricted stream equations have unique solution. All streams satisfy s = Cons(s.head, s.tail) whereas s = s.tail is satisfied by Repeat(k) for every k. Only solution of s = Cons(1, s) is Repeat(1) since it is kind of restricted equation paper is talking about. To prove two streams are equal it is enough to show that they satisfy same restricted equation.

Calculational reasoning about Stream in Dafny

We will first prove that s == Cons(0, Add(Repeat(1), s)) has a unique solution Nats(). This requires formulating UpwardsUniqueFixedPoint which is enough. Under the hood, Dafny is doing heavy lifting of finding proof. Only thing we are signaling to Dafny is that lemma is about codatatype by mentioning greatest before lemma.

greatest lemma UpwardsUniqueFixedPoint(t: nat, s: Stream) 
   requires s == Cons(t, Add(Repeat(1), s))
   ensures s == Upwards(t)

lemma NatsUniqueFixedPoint(s: Stream)
   requires s == Cons(0, Add(Repeat(1), s))
   ensures s == Nats()
    UpwardsUniqueFixedPoint(0, s);

Next we will write calculation style proof to show that Alternate(Mul(Repeat(2), Nats()), Add(Mul(Repeat(2), Nats()), Repeat(1))) satisfies the same equation. This requires few more lemmas which Dafny is able to prove by itself.

lemma UniqueFixedPointApplication()
   ensures Nats() == Alternate(Mul(Repeat(2), Nats()), 
                               Add(Mul(Repeat(2), Nats()), Repeat(1)))
   var s := Nats();
   var t := Repeat(2);
   var u := Repeat(1);
   calc {
      Alternate(Mul(t, s), Add(Mul(t, s), u));
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), (Mul(t, s)).tail));
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), (Mul(t.tail, s.tail))));
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), (Mul(t, s.tail))));
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), (Mul(t, Upwards(0).tail))));
      { UpwardsLemma(0); }
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), (Mul(t, (Cons(0, Add(u, s))).tail))));
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), (Mul(t, Add(u, s)))));
      { MulRepeatAddLemma(2, 1, s); }
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), Add(t, Mul(t, s))));
      { AddLemma(Mul(t, s), t); }
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), Add(Mul(t, s), t)));
      { AddSplitLemma(1, 1, Mul(t, s)); }
      Cons(0, Alternate(Add(Mul(t, s), u), Add(Add(Mul(t, s), u), u)));
      { AlternateLemma(Mul(t, s), Add(Mul(t, s), u), 1); }
      Cons(0, Add(Alternate(Mul(t, s), Add(Mul(t, s), u)), u));
   var m := Alternate(Mul(t, s), Add(Mul(t, s), u));
   assert m == Cons(0, Add(m, u));
   AddLemma(m, Repeat(1));
   assert m == Cons(0, Add(u, m));

This is the gist to play with proof. I have also provided manual proof of UpwardsUniqueFixedPoint in comments. Surprise, it depends on (transfinite) induction as Dafny approaches coinduction proof via induction (paper).