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A verified program in Dafny

In this we will implement and verify solution of two sum problem. Two sum problem asks for a pair of indices in sorted sequence such that elements at those indices add up to given sum. It is given that such indices exists. Linear time implementation uses classic two pointers technique.

We will be using dafny for implementation and verification. Below is translation of solution in dafny.

method find_indices (s: seq<int>, sm: int) 
 returns (i: int, j: int)
  i := 0;
  j := |s| - 1;
  while i < j
    if (s[i] + s[j] < sm){
      i := i + 1;
    else if (s[i] + s[j] > sm){
      j := j - 1;
    else {
      return i, j;

If you run above code snippet using Dafny, you will notice following verification errors.

twosum.dfy(8,8): Error: index out of range
8 |     if (s[i] + s[j] < sm){
  |         ^^^^

twosum.dfy(8,15): Error: index out of range
8 |     if (s[i] + s[j] < sm){
  |                ^^^^

It happens because dafny can’t verify that sequence access is within its bounds. Let’s fix this by providing loop invariant - predicate which is true when loop starts and after every iteration of loop including last run.

method find_indices (s: seq<int>, sm: int) 
 returns (i: int, j: int)
  i := 0;
  j := |s| - 1;
  while i < j
     invariant 0 <= i <= j < |s|
    if (s[i] + s[j] < sm){
      i := i + 1;
    else if (s[i] + s[j] > sm){
      j := j - 1;
    else {
      return i, j;

Notice invariant says i <= j where as loop condition is i < j . This is due to loop invariant should be true after last run of loop. After last run of loop i is equal to j. If you run above code snippet it will give verification error still reproduced below.

twosum.dfy(7,19): Error: This loop invariant might not hold on entry.
7 |     invariant 0 <= i <= j < |s|
  |                    ^^^^^^

twosum.dfy(7,19): Related message: loop invariant violation
7 |     invariant 0 <= i <= j < |s|
  |                    ^^^^^^

Loop invariant is not maintained at start if sequence is empty. To fix it temporarily you can add requires |s| >= 1 .

method find_indices (s: seq<int>, sm: int) 
 returns (i: int, j: int)
 requires |s| >= 1

requires adds precondition to method. find_indices can now assume that sequence contains at least one element. You can’t call find_indices with empty sequence now as it violates its contracts.

This brings us to preconditions of two sum problem

We need predicate which classifies whether sequence is sorted or not.

predicate sorted (s: seq<int>)
  if |s| <= 1 then true else s[0] <= s[1] && sorted(s[1..])

After defining sorted predicate, let’s add all preconditions to find_indices method.

method find_indices (s: seq<int>, sm: int) 
 returns (i: int, j: int)
 requires sorted(s)
 requires exists m, n :: 0 <= m < n < |s| && s[m] + s[n] == sm
  i := 0;
  j := |s| - 1;
  while i < j
     invariant 0 <= i <= j < |s|
    if (s[i] + s[j] < sm){
      i := i + 1;
    else if (s[i] + s[j] > sm){
      j := j - 1;
    else {
      return i, j;

This is runnable and verifiable. But it does n’t say anything about returned indices. We need contract attached to find_indices that it returns right indices. Using ensures, we can do exactly that. It adds postcondition to method - predicates which must hold when method returns. Let’s add what we intended to return.

method find_indices (s: seq<int>, sm: int) 
 returns (i: int, j: int)
 requires sorted(s)
 requires exists m, n :: 0 <= m < n < |s| && s[m] + s[n] == sm
 ensures 0 <= i < j < |s| && s[i] + s[j] == sm

If you verify after adding postcondition, it will throw verification error. Dafny can’t prove postcondition by itself, we need to guide dafny to verify that.

Before verifying postcondition, we need to take little detour to prove small lemma which will be required later.

Lemma - Given sorted sequence s and two indices m, n such that m <= n then s[m] <= s[n].

Translation of lemma in dafny and its verification is given in code snippet below. Proof uses induction on m, n, with difference between n and m decreasing when relying on inductive argument. If m == n then s[m] <= s[n] else using induction we know that m + 1 <= n implies s[m+1] <= s[n] which together with s[m] <= s[m+1] will prove s[m] <= s[n].

We need to fetch information s[m] <= s[m+1] from sorted predicate. sorted(s[m..]) implies s[m] <= s[m+1] by definition. Stating sorted(s[m..]) holds requires iterative argument which is done by while loop.

lemma {:induction m, n} sorted_elem_lemma(s: seq<int>, m: int, n: int)
 decreases n - m
 requires sorted(s)
 requires 0 <= m <= n < |s|
 ensures s[m] <= s[n]
  if(m == n) {}
  else {
    sorted_elem_lemma(s, m+1, n);
    var i := 0;
    while i < m
     invariant i <= m < |s|
     invariant sorted(s[i..])
      if( i == 0 ) {}
      else {
        assert sorted(s[(i+1)..]);
      i := i + 1;

With above lemma at hand, we can now prove postcondition holds. Addition invariants which are maintained by loop are

which is accomplished by following

(1) invariant exists m, n :: i <= m < n <= j && s[m] + s[n] == sm
(2) invariant forall m, n :: 0 <= m < i && m < n < |s| ==> s[m] + s[n] != sm
(3) invariant forall m, n :: j < n < |s| && 0 <= m < n ==> s[m] + s[n] != sm

Let’s go through informal proof of how these invariants are maintained by while body. We will follow example when we increase i by 1, case when we decrease j by 1 is similar. Assume that before running while body array looks like this and we want to increase i by 1.

To prove second invariant is still being maintained we need to prove that sum of element at brown background with any other at non-white background is not equal to sm. Notice that case when other element is at yellow background is already covered by third invariant. For gray background case, sum with last such element is less than sm. Since array is sorted, sum of element at brown background and any other element at gray background should also be less than sm.

method find_indices (s: seq<int>, sm: int) returns (i: int, j: int)
  requires sorted(s)
  requires exists m, n :: 0 <= m < n < |s| && s[m] + s[n] == sm
  ensures 0 <= i < j < |s| && s[i] + s[j] == sm
  i := 0;
  j := |s| - 1;

  while i < j
    invariant 0 <= i <= j < |s|
    invariant exists m, n :: i <= m < n <= j && s[m] + s[n] == sm
    invariant forall m, n :: 0 <= m < i && m < n < |s| ==> s[m] + s[n] != sm
    invariant forall m, n :: j < n < |s| && 0 <= m < n ==> s[m] + s[n] != sm
    if (s[i] + s[j] < sm){
      forall k | i < k < |s| ensures s[i] + s[k] != sm {
        if k <= j {
          sorted_elem_lemma(s, k, j);
          assert s[k] <= s[j];
          assert s[i] + s[k] <= s[i] + s[j];
      i := i + 1;
    else if (s[i] + s[j] > sm){
      forall k | 0 <= k < j ensures s[k] + s[j] != sm {
        if i <= k {
          sorted_elem_lemma(s, i, k);
          assert s[i] <= s[k];
          assert s[i] + s[j] <= s[k] + s[j];
      j := j - 1;
    else {
      return i, j;

Complete source code can be found here.